Elective Surgery

Location for surgery

The elective surgery you require may not be available at your closest hospital or health service.

East Metropolitan Health Service (EMHS) provides health care to people living in the east metropolitan area at any one of the following hospitals or health services:

Your surgery will be scheduled at the most appropriate location to ensure you receive your surgery in the best possible time.

Your GP can help

While you wait for your surgery it is important to keep your regular appointments with your GP.

Your GP may help:

  • keep you fit and well in preparation for your surgery.
  • contact the hospital if there is any change in your condition. 

Before you attend your surgery

Depending on the time between your booking and your surgery, you will receive a letter, email or phone call detailing your surgery plan, including RAT screening instructions if required.  

Do not attend an elective appointment if you are unwell or if you test positive to Covid -19 on the day.

Contact the Elective Waitlist Service on 9224 2914 before your admission if you:

  • have tested positive to COVID-19 in the last 7 weeks
  • develop COVID -19 symptoms (HealthyWA)
  • are a confirmed close contact of a COVID-19 case (household contact)   

WA elective surgery target

In January 2016, WA Health adopted a WA Elective Services Target (WEST) which aims to ensure timely access to public elective surgical services.

This replaces the National Elective Surgery Target (NEST) following the expiry of the National Partnership Agreement on Improving Public Hospital Services in 2015.

For more information, visit the Elective Surgery Wait List Reports.


On the day of your surgery

  • Follow fasting instructions as advised in your booking letter and the pre admission clinic appointment.
  • Shower before coming to the hospital and do not apply any deodorant, powder or cream.
  • Do not bring any valuables to the hospital with you.
  • Bring the letter or email you received with the details of your surgery
  • Bring your regular medications, toiletries and loose comfortable clothing. 

When you arrive at the hospital

Please attend the Royal Perth Hospital Booked Admissions Centre, Level 2, R block.

For morning procedures, please arrive between 6:00am – 6:30 am.

For afternoon procedures, please arrive around 10:30am.


Covid test

If you are asked to perform a RAT test on the day of your procedure and you receive a positive result for COVID-19:

Please do not attend the hospital. Please call 9224 2914.

The risks associated with surgery are much higher for people with COVID-19 and must be weighed against the risks of delaying treatment.It is likely that your surgery will be postponed.

If your treating team determines you need urgent care, your surgery may go ahead as planned with a range of additional precautions. This may include moving you to an isolation area.


If your elective surgery is postponed

Be assured that postponing your surgery due to emergency demand, lack of beds or a positive COVID-19 RAT does not mean you will go to the end of the elective surgery waitlist. Your procedure will be rebooked, and you will be contacted with further details.

Last Updated: 24/12/2024