Mental Health

Royal Perth Hospital (RPH) provides a wide range of specialist mental health inpatient and outpatient services to our consumers living in the inner city and eastern suburbs.

Located at 74 Murray Street, the Service provides urgent assessment, intervention and treatment.

Hours: 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday (except on public holidays).


Phone the Mental Health Emergency Response Line 24 hours a day.

Metro callers 1300 555 788

Peel callers 1800 676 822

In an emergency, dial 000 or visit your nearest Emergency Department.


Assessment and Treatment Team

This is the first point of contact for all referrals to adult community mental health services.

The team includes psychiatrists, nurses and allied health staff who help to provide triage, assessment and short-term care and treatment options for people for up to a maximum of 10 weeks.

Clinical Treatment Team

This Team receives all referrals via the Assessment and Treatment Team and offers mental health assessment and care coordination for people who require care and specialist care and treatment options for more than 10 weeks.

City Older Adult Mental Health Service

The Service provides a comprehensive recovery-focused mental health service for people aged 65 or over (age 45 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders).

The service provides an assessment and/or case management service to people who have mental health issues or are experiencing severe behavioural and psychological problems associated with dementia.

The team consists of psychiatrists, community nurses, social workers, occupational therapists and psychologists.

Mobile Clinical Outreach Team

The Team works on the street to provide clinical assessment, community triage and treatment for rough sleepers. The team works closely with specialist homeless services, mainstream mental health services, drug and alcohol services and primary care services to deliver a coordinated model of care.

The RAPID Service is a 24 hour, 7 day a week service that provides psychiatric, alcohol and other drug assessment in the RPH Emergency Department.

The service is staffed by specialist psychiatric medical staff, psychiatric liaison nurses and alcohol and drug clinicians.

The Centre is a purpose-built short stay unit next to the RPH Emergency Department (ED) with eight treatment spaces – six beds and two chairs.

Patients presenting to the ED with acute mental health issues can be assessed in the ED and moved through to the Centre, according to various criteria.

The team provides inpatient care in the Centre and support to the ED, providing coordinated care upon entry for consumers with mental health care needs.

RPH Ward 2K is a 20-bed general adult unit that provides care for voluntary acute patients aged between 18 and 65 who require specialist mental health care.

Referrals are received from the RPH Emergency Department, the Consultation Liaison team (a specialist team that reviews mental health patients in the general hospital), other hospitals and community teams.

The Dabakarn Mental Health Unit was designed in consultation with clinical and non-clinical staff, and those with lived experience of mental health. 

It has 12 single rooms with their own ensuite plus areas dedicated for exercise, activity and relaxation.

The focus is on safety, a therapeutic environment, and recognition of the first nation custodians of the land.

Dabakarn means ‘slowly slowly’. This is reflective of the person's recovery, which is central to the unit’s service approach.

The unit opened in 2022, aligning our hospital’s mental health services with the needs of our community. It complements the Mental Health Emergency Centre and Ward 2K by providing a specialised psychiatric inpatient care environment for individuals with acute and complex mental illness needs.

It has close links with mental health services at Bentley Hospital.

The community we serve at Royal Perth and Bentley hospitals and services has many diverse and unique healthcare needs.

It is important we ensure our health services are accessible and inclusive for everyone visiting or seeking treatment, as well as providing a safe and welcoming place of work for our LGBTIQ+ staff.

Royal Perth Bentley Group Mental Health Inpatient Services is Rainbow Tick accredited which recognises our commitment to delivering safe and inclusive healthcare practice for LGBTI community members.

Our staff are appropriately trained and committed to providing an accessible, inclusive and safe space for members of the LGBTIQ+ community.

Royal Perth Bentley Group is one of only three public health services in Australia to achieve Rainbow Tick Accreditation, and the first public health service in WA.

We pay our respects to those amongst the LGBTIQ+ communities who have worked to support improved health and wellbeing of their peers, children, families, friends and country.  We honour the elders in the diverse communities of which we are a part and we celebrate the extraordinary diversity of people’s bodies, genders, sexualities and relationships they represent.”

Picture of LGBTIQ FLAG


Last Updated: 06/01/2025