Multidisciplinary Foot Ulcer Clinic
This specialty clinic helps manage complex foot wounds.
The team consists of Podiatrists, Vascular Surgeons, Infectious Diseases Physicians, Endocrinologists, Orthopaedic Surgeons, Dietician, Wound Care Specialist, Pedorthist and a Silver Chain Liaison Nurse.
Clinic Eligibility Criteria
- Active foot ulcer (below the level of the malleoli).
- Must require at least 2 of the attending medical specialities (Endocrinology, Vascular, Infectious Diseases).
- Must live in East Metropolitan Health Service Catchment Area.
How to refer
Please include the following in your referral:
- medical and medication history
- history of presenting complaint (duration, location, prior treatment)
- pedal pulses present/absent
- clinical infection present/absent
- prior imaging, vascular tests, microbiology, blood work.
Referrals can be sent via:
- Central Referral Service
- eReferrals (for those within WA health)
- Email:
- Fax: (08) 6477 5239
For urgent assessment (e.g. critical limb threatening ischemia, systemic infection) or inpatient queries contact Vascular Surgery.
EMHS is responsible for providing public health services to the people who reside within its boundaries.
The catchment map (PDF 400KB) outlines the suburb catchment areas for East Metropolitan Health Service (EMHS). The country areas that flow to EMHS are Kimberley, Pilbara and Western Wheatbelt.
Referral to a hospital for assessment and/or treatment is based around multiple criteria. These include:
- Place of residence – most hospitals have catchments to help service people closer to home. For country patients, the residence of family with whom they will reside whilst attending appointments can be taken into consideration.
- Age – RPH is an Adult Hospital, children are only treated by some hospitals.
- Hospital location of specialty services – some conditions need designated specialist services that are not available at all hospitals.
Please use this information to guide referrals to the hospital servicing your patient's residence, and inform your patients of these criteria when you are referring them for public hospital services via the Central Referral Service (CRS).